Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Epic Struggle: Brick and Mortar Store Vs. MtG

So I'm going to do a little switching up of the format of this blog a bit, to be very inclusive for my friends and take the focus of what all my friends have to say instead of just sharing my opinions. Oh, don't get me wrong. My opinions will be shared. Probably at length and longer than a lot of what my friends have to say. Still, though, this blog was made primarily as a fun outlet of dispute and discussion amongst people I respect that share a lot of the same interests as I do.

So here we go, kicking it off. The question itself might not seem very intuitive, but I promise there is more to it than meets the eye.

Which do you love more? If you had to choose one, would it be your brick and mortar store you frequent? Or playing Magic the Gathering? If it came down to making a choice to sacrifice one in order to preserve the other, what is your choice?

My take after the jump.

A New Blog? Just For Me? Can I Keep It?

Do I know if this blog is going to work out? Nope. Do I have any idea how long this blog is going to last? Not really. What I do know is that I'm bored. At work. While I do have plenty of stuff I can actually be doing, instead I am creating this blog and seeing where it takes me. Now, despite the title of this blog, "The Edge of the Controverse," I'm not trying to say that everything I put up on here will be controversial. Some things might be, other things not so much. My intent at the end of the day, is actually just to put down some of my more intellectual thoughts on ePaper for anyone who cares to take a stroll down blogger lane. I expect that mostly friends will see this, and maybe some of their friends might too.

So here this is; this blog of mine that I created even though I'll probably be way busier next week than this week. After all, this is the last week at my current job, where I thus move on to bigger and brighter avenues. A bit about myself. I'm just your average guy, fairly normal and without a lot of the quirks that make me all too interesting. I consider my strengths to be my charisma and intellect. I have a broad spectrum of interests even though I might not always share them all. This blog though will generally focus on the hobbies that interest me the most and the ones I think about when my mind wanders astray even though I should be looking at data "stuff" at work. So here, you will find random rants and thoughts about games of all kinds, movies, music, and books. My gaming tastes are varied in that I play all kinds - video games, board games, and card games. Of note, Magic: the Gathering will be a topic of discussion probably more often than not.

For those of you that have checked this blog out, give me a shout-out in the comments below. I promise to follow up as often as my time allows and to never leave questions or an interesting debate/discussion ignored. And if you want to talk about anything in specific or want my views on something that's been tugging on YOUR mind, be sure to tell me, and I will give my perspective on it. Otherwise, just leave a hello to let me know if you've enjoyed what you've seen. Thanks again.