Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Value of a $10 Price Tag

The state of PC gaming has come a long way. The evolution of such is both interesting and quite odd, leaving PC gamers with a heckuva lot of options and with a slew of games across any price point that any gamer could entertain themselves pretty much forever. I say "odd" because things that we used to say not too long ago (say, five years ago) are still being said, but these same statements are invalid. Just yesterday, my friend Zach told me to head over to this link where he wanted me to spread the word about the game Lux Delux making it to Steam. Well, before I did this, I of course had to play it.

He says "Just get it, it's only ten bucks." Hmm. Ok. So I go and watch some trailers and am finding out about this game. Meanwhile, my friend John says "Hey Justin, did you like Oregon Trail as a kid? If so, check out Organ Trail. It's on Steam and I recommend it. It's Oregon Trail, only with ZOMBIES!" So I do some quick searches and see this game for $4 on Steam. Hmm.

And I get super mad, because during the zombie apocalypse, dysentery is the least of my worries.
See, five years ago, saying "Get it. It's only ten bucks," used to elicit a game purchase. Now, not so much. Why? Because there are an infinite amount of $10 indie games out there to choose from. I do not have infinite $10 to spend on every $10 game.

The PC gaming terrain as I see it is broken down into five price categories. More about this after the jump. Most gamers as I know it don't stay within one or even two price categories. They span the spectrum and they have a generic budget for the totality of their gaming. My friend Justin C. breaks it down best when he really gets to the root of this issue. Upon recommendation of a game, he will stop me and say: "Ok if I'm at Best Buy and I only have X amount of dollars, is this the one game that I get?" It doesn't matter if X is $10 or $50, that question is very valuable. The fact of the matter is, $10 video games can be equally fine/good/great/bad/horrible as any other big name $50 game. So we have to consider that the price tag is no longer low enough at $10 to just be an insta-buy.

At what point is the price tag low enough that you will auto-buy the game upon friend recommendation? How often do you buy a game based on friend recommendation? How's that usually work out for you?

My answers after the jump. Oh, and by the way to both Zach and John - I played Organ Trail and Lux Delux. My thoughts after the jump as well.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Need For Speed: Most Wanted - A Review

So with the whole SimCity launch debacle, good ol' EA decided to give everyone a free digitial download game. Being a decently big fan of the Need For Speed franchise, I decided to go with the title Need For Speed: Most Wanted. Let's get a quick background on my expectations.

Now before this, my exposure for Need For Speed games was NFS: Underground (1 and 2) and NFS: Hot Pursuit. I was a *huge* fan of the NFS:U series. Basically, I saw it as a fantastic rendition of the Fast and the Furious movies ported to video game... and let's not talk about how embarrassingly much I love the Fast and Furious franchise. Needless to say, I played the ever-loving heck out of NFS:U 1 and 2. I unlocked everything and then still went back to it every now and again just to customize the look and feel of my favorite cars. Hot Pursuit was a much shorter stint of gaming for me, but I liked how sweet it was to play as a cop. So with that in mind, I was interested to see what to make of Most Wanted... After the jump.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

SimCity Review and Thoughts

Hello and sorry for my time away. I keep saying that I want to put something up at least weekly, but I guess I'll just have to settle with putting something up whenever I have a good enough chunk of something to talk about. Today, I'll cover some of the more talked about controversies of SimCity, because well, everyone seems pissed about the damned game except for me. Oh, who am I kidding. I'm pissed too, but for completely different reasons. After the jump.

Yea, my city doesn't look a damned thing like this.
But it's cool that it COULD someday, eh? Eh?

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Windows 8 Review - Part 2 and Final Conclusions

So I'm finally back to conclude my review of the Windows 8 operating system. I'm glad that I waited for a bit, because at this point I think that the extra month of exposure to the OS gave me some good insight to share. In case you missed my Part 1 initial thoughts, you can take a look here. For those of you who want an overall TL;DR-type summary, feel free to take a look at the very end of this post, after the jump for a cliff's notes version. Otherwise, we continue. If you don't even feel like going after the jump, let me just say right now that I'm perfectly pleased with the new operating system, however I will NOT be installing it on my laptop quite yet, even though I bought two copies of it. I know, a little bit of a conflicting point of view, but more on that later - overall, I like the OS. But no more or less than I like W7. Onward!